6 Predictions for the Marketing World in 2014

Posted by randfish It’s time, once again, to continue my annual tradition of analyzing my predictions from 2013 , and if I score high enough, predicting what will happen in 2014. I use this process because it keeps me honest, and keeps you informed as to my relative levels of accuracy (or failure). Here’s how scoring works: Spot On (+2) – when a prediction hits the nail on the head and the primary criteria are fulfilled Partially Accurate (+1) – predictions that are in the area, but are somewhat different than reality Not Completely Wrong (-1) – those that landed near the truth, but couldn’t be called “correct” in any real sense Off the Mark (-2) – guesses which didn’t come close If the score is positive, I’m at least somewhat good at this, and if it’s negative, I’m clearly losing the pulse of the industry.

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6 Predictions for the Marketing World in 2014


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